The Lili`u Project - France 2017
Leeward Community College Music and UHM Dance Collaboration for the a Corps Festival at Poitiers University. Initated by John Signor with Starr Kalahiki, Sami L.A. Akuna, Kara Jhalak Miller, and Students.
Photography- Jean-François Quais, Festival À Corps, Université de Poitiers
2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the death of Lili`uokalani, the last reigning monarch of the Kingdom of Hawai‘i. Queen Lili`uokalani is an example of someone who is both head-of-state and a remarkably progressive artist. She is responsible in part for significant shifts in Hawai‘i’s musical landscape during the second half of the 19th century. Her songs chronicle people, places and events expressed through poignant metaphor steeped in Hawaiian tradition, while her pioneering spirit embraced an attitude of discovery and innovation by adopting Western compositional forms and orchestration. Imprisoned for treason, Lili`uokalani continued to compose inspiring contemplations on love, healing, forgiveness, loss, beauty, and gratitude, and she maintained a life-long commitment to non-violence and a free and diverse society.